
Hi, Pretty. Are You Plugged In?

“Pretty” is one those endearing terms reserved for my best girlfriends, we’ve been using it since high school … so today I’m sharing it with you. My friends and I took one of those personality tests today. I totally love stuff like that. It revealed what I already knew to be true about myself … according to Color Codes I am a “blue” personality. Basically, I’m motivated by intimacy … by connecting with others, by being understood and appreciated. Dependable. Analytical. Thoughtful. I value quality and loyalty. I love to serve and nurture others.

True. True. All true. Then of course there were some not so nice parts of this personality type … but who needs to hear about all of that? Right? Says the girl who likes to be in control. {uh oh}

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Now you get me, right?!? If you’ve never done of one of these, I highly recommend it. Then have your people do it, that’s the fun part! But what stood out to me was that all of my girlfriends had a pretty good chunk of “blue”. Some more than others, but it’s clear that we all thrive on relationships. Community is a NEED not a WANT.

Get this …

“People who had bad health habits, like smoking and eating the wrong kinds of food, but had strong relational ties lived significantly longer than people who had great health habits but lived more isolated lives.” (Alameda County Study)

And this … 

“People who had strong relational connections were four times better at fighting off illness than those who didn’t; people with strong relational connections were significantly less susceptible to catching cold, had fewer viruses in their system, and produced less mucous.” (Journal of the American Medical Association)

Ewww, mucous! See, being a good friend makes you less snotty {you heard it here first}. But really, I feel the whole community thing gets pushed to the side. You know I’m all for GOOD health habits. I definitely don’t suggest you abandon those. But what about this community thing? God never intended for us to do life alone, on our own, without help from other people. He designed us to be connected to Him and to others. We obsess about our workout or eating clean, but we forget that we need each other. It’s just as important. Maybe more.

Why else do we get lost in the black hole of Facebook? Want to hear my thoughts? Because we are missing community and we search for it in our newsfeed almost without realizing it. I’ve been guilty. But the beauty of this is that social media can provide REAL community when done with intention. With boundaries and structure, it can be a tool to love and serve each other. It can connect people who need each other and who otherwise would have never met. I don’t think that happens from just scrolling the newsfeed. It happens in small, private groups where women get to know each other, where they feel connected, celebrated and part of a common purpose. Facebook isn’t all bad.

So … there is POWER in community, don’t downplay it, even when it comes to your fitness. This has played itself out in my own journey over the past four years, I would have quit a millions times over had I not been in community with other women who sharpen me, who support me, who love me for ME. Jesus invested in his small group of disciples. He walked in community with his followers. I think we’re called to do the same, to walk in community with others. If you’re frustrated with where things are, if it’s hard to stay motivated to make your fitness and health a priority, I encourage you to pray for God to surround you with an amazing community of fit sisters that will be there to love on you as you put one foot in front of the other.

If you’re not sure where to look, Fit Revival small groups are held monthly and are created for the purpose of intentional fit sister community, we’d love to have you join us!


Amber Collins
Work from home mom on a journey to experience more of Jesus in everything I do. I love fitness, nutrition & helping others live out the calling on their life.

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