
Verses 11-12 Reflection

Her husband can trust her  ….
I think this phrase wraps a lot of meaning into five little words.  My immediate impression was of course my husband can trust me, what’s not to trust?  I am completely loyal to him and him alone.  But, it’s not just about loyalty.  Can he trust me to run our home efficiently and economically?  Can he trust me to spend money cautiously rather than recklessly?  When he’s not here, can he trust that I am spending my time wisely?  Translation, it’s probably not okay to watch soap operas and search the Internet all day.  I don’t do either of those things, but I do allow myself to get sucked into the Facebook vacuum every now and then. All of this thought as a result of one little scripture!  Although I do take great pride in my responsibilities and pray that my husband does trust me in each of these areas, I know that I am more of a work in progress in some areas than in others.  Instead of running when my heart feels convicted, I’ve learned to give it over to the Lord.  It’s called discipline!  Isn’t it great that the Lord loves us enough to discipline us and mold us into the fullness of who He designed us to be?  I’m pretty sure my husband knows I’m not perfect, but hopefully he can find trust in the fact that I’ve given those imperfections over to the Lord.

And she will greatly enrich his life (NLT) / So that he shall have no need of spoil (KJV) … / She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life ….
In simple terms, be an asset not a liability!  I have thought and thought about how to verbalize my reflections on this one, but it really is that simple.  Financially, spiritually, domestically, whatever the case may be, choose to be an asset … a strong, profitable, valuable asset.  Whatever it is that you do, whatever role you play in your home, whatever responsibilities you have, do them to the best of your ability and ask God to take care of the rest. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23.

How do I enrich my husband’s life, add value to it, bring good to him?  I think a great place to start is through prayer.  Bless your husband by praying for him daily!  Perhaps the Lord will reveal some additional ways you can “add” to the good in his life rather than “take away” … and surely your marriage will be blessed in the process.  I find that it’s easy to pray for my husband every day, but sometimes my prayers lack focus.  Sometimes I feel like I pray the same thing everyday.  Does anyone else feel the same way?  Because of this, I’ve decided to take on this Proverbs 31-based challenge of praying for my husband for the next 31 days.  Check out the link at:
A friend who reads this blog sent it to me and the timing could not be more perfect!  Day One starts tomorrow, I hope you’ll join me!

A little sidenote ….
“To this end I labor, struggling with all HIS energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Colossians 1:29.  I love this verse!  I feel empowered knowing that He supplies my energy when I have none!  I have to keep pushing, keep trucking along, all the while depending on Him for every inch of motivation.  Hopefully it helps someone else as much as it helps me 🙂

Amber Collins
Work from home mom on a journey to experience more of Jesus in everything I do. I love fitness, nutrition & helping others live out the calling on their life.

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