I think we all have a little imposter syndrome sometimes. It’s when your thoughts don’t line up with what God has called you to do. You would think this only happens when you are first starting out at something. But in my experience, the more successful you have been in the past, the more it happens.
So if you are new to something and you are wondering if you’re cut out for it, YOU ARE. But be warned, that voice gets louder the more you press in. If you know to expect it, if you know it’s coming, you’ll be able to call it out when it happens. The enemy gets a little rattled when he sees a woman full of fire + truth. (That’s you, btw.)
“One God-honoring thought has the potential to change the trajectory of both history and eternity. Just as one uninterrupted lie in my head has the potential to bring about unimaginable destruction in the world around me.” ― Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts
We don’t need to give the enemy ANY extra credit, though. Research tells us that thoughts become emotions and emotions become behaviors. So it would make sense that God tells us to take every thought captive. In other words, let’s stop arguing with truth. Satan may seek to destroy, but there is a simple FIX for this.
What do you believe is true about you?
In the Fit Revival Virtual Bootcamp, we choose a new power verse each month as our theme. This month our focus has been on taking every thought captive and the truth that sets us free. It applies as much to business and life as it does to your health and wellness. What thoughts get in your way? Do you need help replacing them with truth? Our only rule in the bootcamp is to take care of you, and BOLDLY let God do the rest. Ditch the lies and embrace the truth. You’ve got this.
AgQKByc bLO OMcAk AmZhGri